Customers do not wander around any more if you close your café. Check out the Open/Closed button at the bottom of the game screen and make it Open to let customers come back.

Why do I see angry customers in my café?

Customers get angry if they have a negative opinion about your café. If you click on a customer, you can learn what the main problem is and so solve it accordingly. Customers protest when

  • they don't see any servings on the counter
  • they see only one type of dish on the counter
  • they always find the same food on the counter
  • they don't find an empty chair placed in accordance with a table
  • they find too little space to move in the café
  • they can't use the drink machines
  • they don't find a fun item in the café
  • they can't reach the counter
  • they can't reach the till point
  • they can't reach the drink machines

Why do I see the "No way to the counter/till point" warning over the customers' head?

This warning comes out when the counter/till point is not placed properly or if it is surrounded by objects. Check out its position and make sure customers find a way to reach it.